This publication can be made available in an alternative format. Lisez et consultez toutes les promotions calipage dans cette brochure. Be employed as a cna and show proof of 600 hours within 6 months of program start date (verification of hours form). The identification and reporting of resident abuse along with development of skills in communication and interpersonal relations will be practiced.
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The 2023 congress will be held in the montreal palais de congrès.
Gain De Temps Et D'argent:
Early december 2022 (to be determined sept 2022) program changes, new program proposals, course changes, new course proposals for the upcoming academic year will need to have an effective term of fall 2023 and must be submitted to your contact in the cnas emc by to be announced september 2022 Catalogue offres locales actualités conseils et outils catalogue assistant quelle (s) prestation (s) pour votre situation mariage, permis, naissance, situations difficiles.le cnas vous accompagne avec des prestations adaptées à votre situation et votre profil. L'offre d'action sociale du cnas pour les personnels territoriaux est unique et diversifiée.
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